2023 ADM Fashion Showcase

Each April, the Apparel Design and Merchandising Program in Appalachian’s Department of Applied Design hosts an open fashion showcase featuring student and faculty creations. The student collections are judged by a panel of industry experts, and family, friends, faculty and the community are invited to attend this capstone event honoring the achievements of graduating seniors.

Fashion Show starts at 4:00pm

Doors open at 3:00pm

Enter at the NW Entrance.

The Holmes Center’s Clear bag Policy will be in effect:  https://theholmescenter.com/plan-your-visit/bag-admission-policy/

Buy Tickets here!

Spring Commencement

The Holmes Center follows a “Clear Bag” policy for all events held inside the Holmes CenterThe Holmes Center’s Clear Bag Policy

Saturday, May 13

9 a.m. ceremony
Reich College of Education

1 p.m. ceremony
Walker College of Business

5 p.m. ceremony
College of Fine and Applied Arts

Graduate students will attend the college ceremony represented by their major field of study.


Graduates do not need to register and they may invite an unlimited number of guests. Tickets are not required for the commencement ceremonies.

During each ceremony, graduates will walk across the stage in Holmes Convocation Center, have their names announced and be professionally photographed receiving their diploma covers. App State Chancellor Sheri Everts will confer degrees upon graduates at each ceremony.

Review the Holmes Center’s Bag and Admission Policy — small, clear plastic bags, small clutch purses, individual seat cushions and medically necessary items are permitted.

Spring Commencement

The Holmes Center follows a “Clear Bag” policy for all events held inside the Holmes CenterThe Holmes Center’s Clear Bag Policy

Friday, May 12

9 a.m. ceremony
Beaver College of Health Sciences, Hayes School of Music

1 p.m. ceremony
College of Arts and Sciences
English • History • Interdisciplinary Studies • Languages, Literatures and Cultures • Philosophy and Religion • Psychology • Sociology

5 p.m. ceremony
College of Arts and Sciences
Anthropology • Biology • Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences • Computer Science • Geography and Planning • Geological and Environmental Sciences • Government and Justice Studies • Mathematical Sciences • Physics and Astronomy

Graduate students will attend the college ceremony represented by their major field of study.



Graduates do not need to register and they may invite an unlimited number of guests. Tickets are not required for the commencement ceremonies.

During each ceremony, graduates will walk across the stage in Holmes Convocation Center, have their names announced and be professionally photographed receiving their diploma covers. App State Chancellor Sheri Everts will confer degrees upon graduates at each ceremony.

Review the Holmes Center’s Bag and Admission Policy — small, clear plastic bags, small clutch purses, individual seat cushions and medically necessary items are permitted.

RCOE Career Fair

Appalachian State University’s Education Career Fair connects school administrators, superintendents, and other employers from the field of education seeking to hire candidates in education and related fields with talented students and alumni from our Reich College of Education. The Education Career Fair allows a variety of education-related employers to network and discuss career options and employment opportunities with a talented pool of Appalachian State students and alumni.

Appalachian State University Fall Commencement

The Holmes Center follows a “Clear Bag” policy for all events held inside the Holmes CenterThe Holmes Center’s Clear Bag Policy

Friday, Dec. 16

9 a.m. ceremony
Beaver College of Health Sciences, Hayes School of Music, Reich College of Education

1 p.m. ceremony
College of Fine and Applied Arts, Walker College of Business

5 p.m. ceremony
College of Arts and Sciences

Graduate students will attend the college ceremony represented by their major field of study.


About Commencement

Graduates do not need to register and they may invite an unlimited number of guests. Tickets are not required for the commencement ceremonies.

During each ceremony, graduates will walk across the stage in Holmes Convocation Center, have their names announced and be professionally photographed receiving their diploma covers. App State Chancellor Sheri Everts will confer degrees upon graduates at each ceremony.

See below for information for graduates and faculty participants, as well as information for guests.