Booking Policies

George M. Holmes Convocation Center Scheduling Policy
The George M. Holmes Convocation Center (HCC) supports the broader mission of Appalachian State University in a number of critical ways.
The venue supports the teaching mission of the university by providing classroom space for the Departments of Health and Exercise Science (HES) and Recreation Management and Physical Education (RMPE).
As one of the largest public assembly spaces in northwestern North Carolina, the HCC also functions as a multi-purpose arena that supports major campus-wide events such as Commencement, Black and Gold Convocation, Open House, Welcome Week, and Career Fest, while also serving a multitude of academics, athletics, cultural, and community events year-round.
Given the rapid growth of the university and the challenge in providing facilities to keep pace with that growth, the Holmes Center is called upon to adopt scheduling policies that ensure effective usage of its facilities while serving the broadest possible spectrum of campus and community stakeholders who rely on this critically valuable venue.
This policy affirms the Holmes Center’s role as a multi-purpose facility serving the entire university campus and surrounding community, based on the values and guiding principles outlined as follows:
- Prospective HCC users consist of a variety of university divisions, departments and units— and many of these areas require access to large-scale facilities in order to fulfill functions that are essential to their success and to the university’s mission. For this reason, a broad and inclusive approach to HCC scheduling is critically important.
- Large-scale annual events such as Commencement and Black and Gold Convocation are cornerstones of the university’s academic year and the life of the campus. Events such as open houses and career fairs play a key role in supporting and enhancing the student experience. Athletics events, large-scale concerts, and special events such as Homecoming constitute a critical element of student life and enrichment, while also serving as a “gateway” onto our campus for alumni, community residents, visitors, and potential university supporters. These events bring students and other campus and community stakeholders together while creating a sense of “shared experience,” fostering a sense of pride in the university and serving as a valuable vehicle for recruitment.
- Smaller-scale events that cannot be staged in other venues are also strategic for the university. The success of these events is judged not only by quantitative measures such as attendance or revenue-based potential but by their impact on their intended audiences and their potential to advance the university mission. Some of these events benefit students, while others engage alumni and prospective donors with the capability to provide major support across all areas of the university.
- The goal of the HCC scheduling process is to allow the broadest possible usage of the facility. This approach requires all potential HCC users to be proactive and to engage in advance planning, to the extent possible, in order to secure desired dates on the HCC calendar.
- This policy relies on the skill and experience of the Holmes Center director and staff in vetting all requests by making reasonable, fair and equitable booking decisions, based on the guidelines set forth in this policy. If another campus venue can achieve the objectives of the requesting user, HCC staff will refer users to venues better matched to those needs.
- To accommodate all university needs and interests, a collaborative and collegial approach among all HCC users is critical to the effective implementation of this policy.
The following steps outline the scheduling/booking process for the HCC:
- Classroom spaces will be designated by the Departments of Health and Exercise Science (HES), Recreation Management and Physical Education (RMPE), in consultation with HCC administrators. Timeline: On-going/as needed.
- Priority events: Commencement, Black and Gold Convocation, Open House, Welcome Week and Career Fest will be scheduled on a priority basis. Deadline: by April 30th.
- Athletic events: All home games scheduled by Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball, and Volleyball, including team practices on the TWO days before each home game, as well as annual track events in December, will be scheduled on a priority basis. Deadline: by June 1st.
- Beginning June 2nd, priority booking will be opened to the annual university events outlined below. For concerts and other events involving artist booking contracts or speakers, up to THREE dates can be temporarily held on the calendar, in order to assist with the challenge of booking these events. Deadline: by June 30th (for fall events) and September 30th (for spring and summer events). Events scheduled during this phase include the following:
Athletics Hall of Fame Breakfast- Homecoming Blood Drive
- Other Homecoming events
- College of Business CEO Lecture
- College of Education Career Fair
- College of Health Sciences Inter-Professional Education
- College of Health Sciences CEO Lecture
- APPS Concerts
- AppSummer concert in July/August
- Other campus events previously held in the HC
- Beginning July 1st, all other university and community events that can be scheduled in advance may be reserved on the HCC calendar. Deadline: by July 30th (for fall events) and October 30th (for spring/summer events). NOTE: Booking requests from the surrounding community will be evaluated by the HCC staff, based on their relationship to the university’s educational mission, and/or their ability to generate needed revenue for Holmes Center operations.
- Beginning on August 1st, the calendar will be available for additional athletic practice days. Because multiple days may be requested, flexibility in moving an isolated practice day to Varsity Gym may be requested, in order to accommodate a schedule change or new request.
- Events scheduled after booking deadlines: All groups are invited to make scheduling requests after the conclusion of step 6, on a “first come, first served” basis, recognizing that available dates at this point will likely be limited.
All parties involved in booking the Holmes Center are encouraged to be flexible and collegial in booking dates at the HCC, and when necessary, may be asked to consider changes to accommodate unforeseen scheduling needs or changes encountered by their colleagues in other areas.
At times, this approach may not be effective, despite the parties’ best efforts to find a workable solution. A situation may also arise, in which two parties request the same date(s) during the same booking window.
In these scenarios, if a resolution cannot be reached between the parties involved, the appropriate Vice-Chancellors and/or Directors of both areas, in consultation with the Chief of Staff, may be asked by the HCC staff to address the matter and render a decision. Once a decision is made, it shall be binding and supported by all involved.
In the event of a challenge for a date between two promoters, the promoter with the first hold will have 72 hours to return a signed copy with a deposit or the event date will be forfeited to the promoter with the second hold. The promoter with the second hold then has 72 hours to return their signed contract and deposit.
All reservations must be confirmed in writing to the Holmes Center management. Any Cancellations must also be in writing. Upon cancellation, users will pay any expenses incurred by the Holmes Center in conjunction with their event
The Director of the Holmes Center will determine all staffing requirements for all events in the Holmes Center. As safety and customer satisfaction are primary concerns, professional facility management will always be provided by the Holmes Center. The operating staff of the Holmes Center shall at all times have free access to the entire facility. Subject to the Director’s approval as to numbers, users may issue credentials permitting selected persons access to specific areas of the premises normally closed to the public.
The Holmes Center will provide security for all events and will be supported by ASU Police, Local law enforcement, and local fire protection as necessary. Cost of the security will be recovered from the user at settlement. The Director of the Holmes Center will determine the size of the security force based on the size and nature of the event/use as well as the general welfare of the community.
The Holmes Center management will monitor and limit access to the facility. Computer monitored access and key inventory system will be maintained by the Holmes Center and the Center’s staff must approve all key requests. Staff members who have been issued keys are responsible for the keys and should not transfer those keys to third parties.
Persons in the facility without expressed permission or with key/access cards that do not belong to them will be subject to all trespassing charges. Persons found giving their keys to unauthorized persons will lose access privileges and are required to pay any costs incurred to replace locks.
At the conclusion of the event, the user will be responsible for reconciling all outstanding facility expenses. The settlement will occur in the Holmes Center offices. Any questions regarding the settlement procedure should be directed to the Director of the Holmes Center.
All event expenses, including rent for non-ticketed events are due in full prior to the start date of each event unless otherwise stipulated in the contract.
All events scheduled in the Holmes Center must be insured for the entire event, including move-in and move-out days.