About Us

Mission Statement
The George M. Holmes Convocation Center’s Mission is to provide facilities for the Department of Health, Leisure, and Exercise Science and to support the academic processes of Appalachian State University. Serving as a multi-purpose for the northwestern region of North Carolina, the center will support university-sponsored events, such as commencement and college fairs. Cultural events, concerts, trade shows, athletic events, and other public assembly activities will also be a part of the center’s programming.
Advisory Council
The Advisory Council will be made up of members of the community as well as faculty, staff, and students from Appalachian State University. The Council will meet once a month to discuss event programming and other center issues.
Hours of Operation
The Holmes Center will be open to the general public on event days only.
The Holmes Center staff will be scheduled from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm on Monday through Friday. Schedules will be adjusted to meet event requirements.
Box Office Hours of Operation
The Holmes Center’s Main Box Office will be open from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm on Monday through Friday. The satellite box offices upstairs will open on event day 1 hour prior to the doors opening.